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Start a Nonprofit

Starting a nonprofit can be overwhelming. While it is certainly possible to start a nonprofit on your own without any legal help or a hiring a consultant, many people find it valuable and time-efficient to hire a nonprofit start-up expert. The Nonprofit People team has assisted in the start-up of nearly 500 nonprofit organizations with a 100% success rate. The average time to get a nonprofit started is 3-4 months from start to finish. But that is not why people hire us. People hire us because we stick with you through the first year to 18 months to guide you through start-up, implementation, growth, innovation and success. We are here to answer any questions you have along the way. 


There is an art to starting a nonprofit. What to include in your mission statement, how to envision and explain the work you will do, how to inspire others to give, and what to include in your IRS application are just the beginning.

State Incorporation

Nonprofits are corporations. Therefore, they need to be incorporated into at least one state. We handle that process for you, no sweat. 

IRS Form 1023

This is the big one. Form 1023 is the IRS Application for Exemption, which is what makes your organization tax-exempt, meaning you are not paying tax on the funds used for charitable purposes and donors can receive a tax deduction. For our fee we take care of your form - either the EZ or full. 

Ongoing Advice

As you begin your nonprofit organization, questions will arise. Your team will be ready to answer your questions and provide ongoing advice throughout your first year. 

Employer Identification Number

You can thank of your Employer Identification Number (often referred to as an "EIN"), as your organization's social security number. It helps the government track your work, finances, and exempt status. 

Mentoring and Coaching

Since the application process with the IRS takes some time, you will jump right in as you wait with a few mentoring sessions with our team - giving you personalized guidance in how to have a successful launch. 

Learn more about the process of starting a nonprofit by reading our blog post here


Our Nonprofit Start-Up Package is a flat $2,500*

*financing plans are available


What's Included:

  • Draft State Incorporation Paperwork

  • EIN Number Obtainment

  • Draft IRS Form 1023EZ or Form 1023 and Review with Client

  • Six Months of Ongoing Advice and Q&A 

  • Partner Through 501(c)(3) Obtainment

  • Three one-on-one mentoring sessions 

  • Advising on Board Formation and Bylaws

  • Best Practices and Technology Intel


IRS and State Filing Fees are extra and vary by state.

  • All State Filing Fees (approx. $100)

  • All IRS Filing Fees ($275 - $600)


That's right, this package includes drafting, assisting with, and all of your state and IRS filing fees for either the Form 1023-EZ or the Full 1023. Yes, you read that correctly. We will assist you in competing either form for the same price.  


Part Way Done or Stuck in the Process?

Call us and tell us where you are for a reasonable quote.

Ready to get started? Contact us with any questions or book free consultation.
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