We love to partner with nonprofits of various sizes, from nonprofits just starting out to organizations that are trying to scale and grow into the millions. Here are our foundational services. If you are interested, take advantage of our complementary consultation to see if it makes sense to work together.
Starting a nonprofit involves several steps. Missing one of the steps or doing it incorrectly can cost you time and money. Our experts have helped form over 450 nonprofit organizations. We guide you through incorporation, and the IRS application for exemption. We will walk with you the whole way. We guarantee your nonprofit approval!
New Nonprofits: Includes your filing fees (Yes! 1023EZ or Full 1023) plus two mentoring sessions $2,500 (financing plans available)
Part Way Done? Call us and tell us where you are for a reasonable quote.
Don't struggle with what to do next. The Nonprofit People provides you with mentorship. Our nonprofit mentors have been in leadership positions with various nonprofit organizations. Let's partner together and provide you with a mentor and guide.
Have you ever thought... "How do I find donors?" We've got you covered. Learn fundraising basics, finding donors, giving motivations, donor engagement and more.
New Clients: Group of Three Mentoring Sessions - $500
Established clients can receive discounts.
Nearly every nonprofit has to fundraise, and for many, it's a struggle. Fundraising does not need to be difficult. We will help you implement a realistic and executable plan. With accountability and guidance you can (and should) feel confident in your ability to meet your nonprofit's needs year-over-year.
In addition to our implementation services, we have partnered with fundraising expert Kevin Kacvinsky to create one of the premiere fundraising courses, The Fundraising Framework. The course sets students up with a development plan and structure and gives them all the tools and templates needed to be successful at fundraising.
Fundraising Framework Course: $1,000
Done-for-You Services: Start at $3,000 per Month
We specialize in affordable websites for nonprofits that help to tell your story, share why your mission is so critical, attract donors, and solicit gifts.
Web development services start at $3,500.
Your goals are important to us. We know that growth and development are a constantly changing target. Well-established leaders and older organizations have unique needs. We meet you where you are now and develop custom solutions based on your specific needs. Call us for a reasonable quote.