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Writer's pictureLaura Diaz

Do Planned Gifts Cannibalize Annual Givers?

Updated: Feb 26, 2024

The answer is NO! A donor already giving to an organization annually, or to the annual fund are more likely to become a major giver or set up a planned gift. Routine annual givers are also more likely to leave a bequest to a non-profit organization in their Will. 90% of planned gifts are still done in the form of a bequest. Although a bequest cannot be realized now, it is a gift that will provide for the future needs of your organization.

Here are some of the TOP reasons donors leave a bequest to charity-

  • Donors have peace of mind that they are doing good

  • Leaving a legacy to an organization they care about after they are gone

  • Honoring someone you love or admire with a gift in their name

  • Setting an example for family members to follow in their philanthropic footsteps

  • Pay back kindness the donor may received during their lifetime

  • Taking advantage of tax savings and charitable deductions

Cultivating your current annual givers and understanding their future legacy can convert some to major and planned givers. Remember, most planned gifts are typically larger in size and are dependent on the donor's annual income.

Brainstorm between your major, planned giving and annual fund personnel for the best donor approach and giving ideas for your nonprofit culture and donor base.

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